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MAIN: Information Management



LogDB software is the E&P industry's most comprehensive well log archivalsystem. This highly reliable package includes capabilities forcataloging, storing, validating and retrieving the increasingly largevolumes of log data required thoughout the life cycle of a well. Becausethe LogDB program accommodates a variety of log data, E&P companies cannow access a much larger percentage of their corporate assets, helpingreduce the amount of time spent locating and organizing data. LogDBsoftware can be integrated directly with corporate systems to enhanceoverall effectiveness of the data management system. Geoshare Half-linksprovide a convenient industry-standard data exchange mechanism forexporting data to other applications or projects.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

5599 San Felipe St Suite 1700
Houston, TX 77056
Phone: (713) 513-2000
        (800) 828-5936
Fax: (713) 513-2050